Congrats to Our Seniors on the Fellowship Match
Follow the break for a complete listing.
We Matched!
Congratulations to all the physician candidates who matched at Olive View for internship and residency! We are excited to work with these 21 outstanding categorical and 12 preliminary interns. They come from medical schools across the country and will be joining us this June.
Here’s the match list.
Fall Retreat at UCLA Westwood This Friday
Fall retreat is scheduled at the UCLA Westwood campus this Friday, October 6. We are looking forward to a thought provoking morning session followed by a funny and lighthearted afternoon session.
Be sure to thank your attendings, fellows, co-residents, and nurse practitioners for helping to cover our patients.
New is Live!
Welcome to the makeover of the Olive View residency program website.
It’s a smarter website with a complete re-implementation of our content management platform. This will make it easier to post new content, send out updates, search for information, and record educational content in our program.
Welcome New Interns!
After a week of orientation, we are excited to have the new interns join us in action with our mission to heal, learn, and educate. Welcome to the Olive View family!
Block 8 Ambulatory Week: Academic Half Day
All Intern Didactics have been rescheduled to Wednesday on Ambulatory week to pilot Academic Half Day. SBP is still on Friday. Fri Location: Clinic A 7:30-8:00am: SBP (Dr. Soleymani) Wed Location: 6D103 7:30-8:00am: COPD (Dr. Gold) 8:00-8:30am: URI (Dr. Rotblatt) 8:30-8:45am: Break 8:45-9:15am: Asthma (Dr. Suthar/Dr. Barot) 9:15-9:45am: Wellness 101 (Dr. Nafisi/Chiefs) 9:45-10:00am: Break 10:00-12:00pm: Profession of Medicine…
Welcome new interns!
Welcome new IM interns! We're so happy to be working with you this year. If you have any questions, please call x4411 or page the Chief Resident on call using Amion.