All Housestaff Must Have or Be Applying for the California Medical License
Medicine Grand Rounds Scheduled January through April
Invited speakers will be coming to present Medicine Grand Rounds in the coming months : Friday, January 24 – Transgender Care Tuesday, March 24 – Elder Abuse Tuesday, March 31 – Reflection of a Patient Friday, April 17 – Physician…
Reflection Rounds on Friday, January 24
Housestaff, attendings, and care team members from different disciplines are invited to take a look back on a case that impacted many people involved in the patient's care. This will be an open discussion about the effect caring for this…
Medicine Holiday Party on Friday, December 20
Deck the Halls! It's Holiday Season. The Department of Medicine will be hosting the annual Medicine Holiday Party at lunch on Friday, December 20! Faculty and housestaff are invited. There will be raffles, prizes and special surprises!
Adopt-a-Family: There’s Still Time to Bring Gifts
Stop by the Chiefs' Office or the Department of Medicine to see items that you can donate to our adopted family. Then bring in the unwrapped gift. We will have a gift-wrapping party in December! Happy Holidays!
Share in Thanksgiving Pie – Brought to you by OVMC
Come by the Conference Dining Room (CDR) on Wednesday, November 27, for a slice of pie. Happy Thanksgiving!
ACP Southern California Region I, II and III: Abstract Submission is Now Open
ACP Southern California Regional will be held Saturday, October 12th at the Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa. Abstract submission is now open!! The deadline for submitting abstracts is September 6, 2019. This is a great opportunity to present at a…