Update March 13, 2020: Updated PPE recommendations from CDC and DPH. Added info for 3M N-95 mask fitting.
Update March 4, 2020: L.A. County Department of Public Health (DPH) has declared a local public health emergency with six new cases in the county. The State of California has also declared a state of emergency with the first related death in the state. The CDC and DPH have updated screening and testing guidelines. The Department of Medicine at Olive View-UCLA has announced plans for the care of persons under investigation (PUI) and confirmed COVID-19 cases. Check your email and messaging for the most up-to-date information.
As healthcare providers, you should be prepared with the knowledge to (1) screen, (2) evaluate, and (3) treat potential patients with the novel coronavirus (officially designated COVID-19), whether it be a suspected or confirmed case you encounter. The Department of Public Health (DPH) of Los Angeles County is actively involved in
monitoring and advising on the situation in concert with the CDC. Check your email for official announcements, including an invitation to an informational webinar.
The following are useful links and resources for your preparedness.