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Residents are expected to gain a level of competence in order to diagnose and treat common cardiac conditions independently. For less common or more complex cases, residents will be able to appropriately consult or refer.

Cardiology Consult

Rotations on the Cardiology consult service will be two weeks in length. In addition to the inpatient consultation service, residents will participate in weekly Cardiology clinics. Supervision will be provided by the Cardiology faculty, assisted by the cardiology fellow(s).

Goals & Objectives

Before You Start

On the day before your consult rotation, page the Cardiology Fellow. Find out if you should get sign-out on any inpatient consults and what you should expect the first day of your rotation (when to round, where to meet, any didactics or clinic, etc.).

The Cardiology team usually meets in the fellows room in the Cardiology Lab on the 2nd floor.

To page the Cardiology Fellow, log-in to AMION, go to paging, go to the Fellows drop-down menu, select Cards Fellow.

RR-UCLA Cardiac Care Unit

The CCU at Ronald Reagan-UCLA Medical Center is a rigorous training experience with exposure to complex cardiac patients with high acuity at a quaternary center. The unit consists of 4 primary teams, each comprised of an attending cardiologist, one resident (PGY-2/3), and one intern (PGY-1). Interns rotate on service for 2 weeks. Residents are expected to learn and manage patients with acute coronary syndrome, arrhythmias, heart failure, and heart transplant evaluation.


Please go to the UCLA MedRes site for the rotation nuts & bolts, as well as the most up-to-date helpful hints for your RR rotation.  Link here: UCLA Medres Inpatient Rotations

Before You Start

  • Complete CareConnect training if this is your first time working in the UCLA Health System.
  • Make sure you receive MedNet and CareConnect access. Please contact CareConnect at 310-267-2273 if you haven’t logged-in in over 30 days to remove any block on your account prior to your start date and try logging in to ensure access.
  • Information for Duo multifactor authentication is found here:
  • Add your virtual pager to CareConnect:
    • Contact CareConnect IT: 310-267-CARE (2273)
    • Ask to add your virtual pager to the Care Team List, so that you can be contacted regarding patient care issues.

When You Start

  • Please arrive at the following location to receive sign-out from the night float resident:  CCU Workroom (7632) by 6am.
  • The UCLA online paging system is located at Click on the “paging” link under the Quick Links on the top left.


Important Information

  • Olive View Housestaff: Submit duty hours and procedures performed on this rotation in the Olive View MedHub portal.
  • Evaluations for UCLA rotations: Submit your peer and rotation evaluations in the UCLA MedHub portal.
  • If you have any questions, please stop by the UCLA Chiefs office (RRUMC, Suite 7236)

Cardiology Clinic

Cardiology clinic occurs every Tuesday morning in Clinic C.

Goals & Objectives

Before You Start

  • Read the Orientation.
  • Review your schedule on AMION, including days off.

When You Start

ORCHID Clinic Resources

  • OVM Card Resident

Diagnostic Cardiology (Heart)

An elective rotation with advanced training in diagnostic cardiac tests, including the exercise treadmill test, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram.

Advisor: Anthony Koppula, M.D.

Important Information

PPE Recommendations:

  • Enforce universal masking and hand hygiene in your area; in addition, use of eye protection is recommended for all patient interactions
  • Staff may opt to don N-95 masks during procedures that are aerosol-generating for additional protection; please follow the N-95 re-use policy already in EP which allows 5 reuses of N-95.  If staff is staying in room, they can elect to have extended use of their mask but should refrain from touching it.
  • Follow guidelines on hand hygiene after mask removal.
  • There is no recommendations to use gowns for non-PUIs/cases unless you expect gross contamination from procedure (in that case  the procedure should be deferred).
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