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Jul 08 2016

Atrial Fibrillation

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Feng for an excellent presentation on the management of atrial fibrillation in the setting of acute de-compensated heart failure

Teaching Points

  • Important components of management: hemodynamic stability, rate control, anti-coagulation
  • Rate control agents: beta blockers, calcium channel blockers (not preferred in HF), digoxin and amiodarone (also an anti-arrhythmic)
  • Antiarrhythmics for afib are Class IC or III
    • IC: flecainide, propafeonone
    • III: amiodarone, dronedarone, sotalol, dofetilide
  • Anti-coagulation: indicated if CHADSVASc ≥ 2 (warfarin or newer agents, ie apixaban or rivaroxaban)
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Jul 07 2016

Intern Case Conference 7.6.16

Morning Report

Here is the power point from today’s case conference on the diagnosis and management of Community Acquired Pneumonia. Intern Report 7.6.16

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Jul 05 2016

Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Glomerulonephritis

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Jang for an excellent presentation on granulomatosis with polyangiitis presenting as lower extremity edema from renal involvement. Teaching Points: GPA can involve multiple organs including nasal ulcers, cartiglage destruction, tracheal stenosis, alveolar hemorrhage, glomerulonephritis, leukoclastic angiitis Diagnosis…

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Jun 17 2016

Ischemic Stroke From Infective Endocarditis

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Tu for an excellent presentation of ischemic stroke due to septic emboli from infective endocarditis Teaching Points: CNS complications of infective endocarditis can occur in 20-40% patients Etiology: occlusion of cerebral arteries by septic emboli, cerebral hemorrhage, meningitis,…

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Jun 15 2016

Progression of Myocardial Infarction

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Janoian for a great presentation on the progression of myocardial infarction. Teaching Points: pathologic outcomes of MI: arrhythmia, ischemic cardiomyopathy with or without cardiogenic shock, mechanical dysfunction/complications, pericarditis mechanical complications: papillary muscle rupture, ventricular free wall rupture,…

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Jun 08 2016

Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy/Dysplasia

Morning Report


Thank you Dr. Layoun for an excellent presentation on arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia

Teaching Points:

  • ARVD is a genetic cardiomyopathy with mutations in desmoglein-2, desmoplakin, desmocollin-2, plakophilin, etc
  • Characterized by life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (monomorphic VT)
  • ECG: QRS prolongation (in right precordial leads), RBBB morphology, Epsilon Wave (distinct wave between QRS and T waves, seen in precordial leads, V1 is the best spot)
  • Treatment: refrain from high intensity exercise, low dose beta-blocker, ICD for secondary prophylaxis in patients with history of VT or VF
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Mar 14 2016

Septic Arthritis

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. John Hollowed for a great presentation of a pain with acute onset R. shoulder and L. knee pain/swelling s/p arthrocentesis c/w infectious process (gram stain with GPC’s, WBC >200K). Patient also likely with native valve endocarditis

Teaching Points: 

–Septic arthritis an orthopedic emergency! Consult ortho as patient may require surgical irrigation and debridement

–Oligoarticular or polyarticular infection occurs in approximately 20 percent of septic joint infections, usually involving two or three joints.

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Mar 14 2016

Diabetic Myonecrosis

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Jane Ma for a a great presentation of a woman with right thigh pain and swelling, found to have diabetic myonecrosis Teaching Points:  Rare complication associated with poorly-controlled DM caused by infarcted muscle tissue Acute pain and…

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Jan 27 2016

Myxedema Coma

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Joey Tu  for a great presentation on a patient with a mild form of myxedema coma Learning Points: Myxedema coma occurs as a result of long-standing, undiagnosed, or undertreated hypothyroidism and is usually precipitated by a systemic…

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