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Dec 08 2015

AM Report: Pulmonary Eosinophilia

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Katrina DeLeon for a great morning report on Loffler's syndrome Teaching Points: Loffler's syndrome is a disease in which eosinophils accumulate in the lung in response to a parasitic infection Examples of parasites: Ascarislumbricoides(roundworm) Strongyloidesstercoralis(nematode) Necatoramericanus(hookworm) Ancylostomaduodenale(hookworm)…

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Dec 01 2015

AM Report: Dermatomyositis

Morning Report

  Thanks to Dr. Erica Tate for a great presentation of Dermatomyositis! Learning Points: Diagnostic criteria: symmetric proximal muscle weakness, elevation of muscle enzyme levels, abnormal EMG results, muscle biopsy abnormalities and typical skin rash Pathogenesis: complement mediated vasculopathy of the…

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Nov 24 2015

AM Report: Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Shah for an excellent case of Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy! Learning Points: Pathophysiology: not well understood, however postulated mechanisms include catecholamine excess, coronary artery spasm and microvascular dysfunction Mostly associated with physical or emotional stress preceding onset of chest pain Clinical…

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Nov 23 2015

Morning Report: Vertebral Osteomyelitis

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Walter Igawa-Silva for a great atypical presentation of Vertebral Osteomyelitis! Teaching Points: Clinicians should suspect the diagnosis of native vertebral osteomyelitis in patients with new or worsening back or neck pain and fever  AND in patients with new…

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Oct 27 2015

AM Report: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Morning Report

Thanks to Dr. Nicole Mandich for an excellent presentation on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Learning Points: Predominantly seen in young, obese females of child bearing age Classic presentations include headaches, papilledema, sixth nerve palsy , visual disturbances (including diplopia, photopsia and…

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Oct 26 2015

AM Report: Pulmonary Kaposi Sarcoma

Morning Report

Thanks to Dr. Patrick Poquiz for an outstanding presentation of AIDS related pulmonary Kaposi sarcoma. Learning Points: Pulmonary Kaposi sarcoma (KS) can present shortness of breath, fever, cough, and hemoptysis. The incidence of KS increases as CD4 count decreases, and KS…

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Oct 22 2015

AM Report: Severe Hypercalcemia Due to Elevated PTHrP

Morning Report

Thanks to Dr. Jarred Reed for an excellent presentation on workup and management of hypercalcemia Learning Points: Clinical manifestations of hypercalcemia include GI (anorexia, N/V), Neuro (weakness, AMS), Renal (polyuria, nephrocalcinosis), and MSK (fractures, osteopenia) symptoms. Causes may be broken…

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Oct 20 2015

AM Report: Herpes Zoster

Morning Report

  Thank you Dr. Julien Nguyen for an excellent presentation on herpes zoster and indications for IV treatment Teaching Points:  Herpes Zoster is a reactivation of VZV in ganglia, leading to acute neuritis with a dermatomal rash, sometimes followed by…

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Oct 20 2015

AM Report: Hypercalcemia

Morning Report

Thank you Dr. Betty Lai for a great case of hypercalcemia on 10.7.15  presenting as altered mental status! Learning Points: The first diagnostic test to workup hypercalcemia should be PTH Hypercalcemia is due to elevation of ionized or free calcium…

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